Welcome to Lincoln Gardens Primary School

Lincoln Gardens Primary School is a culturally diverse community. We value respect and nurture each individual, focusing on literacy, life skills and cultural awareness enabling students to strive for lifelong learning and success.

Our objective is to improve outcomes for every student, by prioritising learning to value social and emotional wellbeing. As such, there is a strong emphasis on literacy, teaching Aboriginal students and social skilling in a positive, safe environment, maintained through diligent monitoring and review of practice. Developing a positive sense of self-worth is a principle underlying all practice.

We promote participation and attendance through a diverse, interesting curriculum. Students are encouraged to represent the school and district in sporting teams and participate in the arts. We have strong links with the community. Current priorities are to improve learning outcomes in all areas of literacy, develop programs that enhance student wellbeing and personal development, increase student voice and strengthen community connections and family involvement.

Community Engagement Award Finalist

Cultural Area and Artefacts Education Learning Platform Role, Lincoln Gardens Primary School

Barngarla Country

Lincoln Gardens Primary School is a small, category 1 site. The team challenged themselves to create a positive perception of the school across the community and develop a strong sense of belonging, ownership and cultural understanding among students, families, and the community.
With 95% of the students at Lincoln Gardens Primary School being Aboriginal, the team of leaders, teachers, student support officers and Aboriginal community education officers worked together to build connections through Reconciliation Week and beyond. Over the last 3 years a Cultural Area and Artefacts Education learning platform have been established. The wider community are invited to come in and learn and grow with the site and have participated successfully in cook outs, breakfasts, and other activities designed to support the collaborative development of the site and community. As a result, the school has inspired change, deepened the knowledge of their Aboriginal learners and developed a strong sense of belonging, ownership and cultural understanding amongst whole school community.

Please view our video below.





Our Vision

Students at LGPS to be confident, passionate, skilled readers with a strong vocabulary to access and comprehend a variety of text to achieve future aspirations. Students will, with educators and parents, develop learning plans, practice to achieve and celebrate successes. Educators will encourage, challenge and provide a variety of highly structured, targeted reading experiences to embed reading skills. Families will provide a rich home reading environment through encouragement, shared reading whilst making connections to real life experiences to build reading confidence and enjoyment.

High Expectations

Attendance and Engagement

Quality Teaching and Learning

Literacy, Numeracy and a focus on ICT Critical & Creativity Thinking